Institutional Video

Who we are

At the World of Discoveries, the history of Portugal during the Age of Discovery is not just told… it is lived. In a playful interactive space, located inside the old warehouses of Real Companhia Velha, in Miragaia, in the historic center of Porto, we have combined technology and art, and created an immersive, unique and differentiated experience that appeals to all the senses and transports visitors to the heart of the action of the conquests carried out by the Portuguese in maritime voyages and explorations between 1415 and 1543.

We opened our doors to the public on April 25, 2014, and since then, we have become one of the most renowned and visited exhibitions in the country, offering a multisensory experience that reconstructs the fantastic odyssey of Portuguese navigators during the Age of Discoveries.

Council of Ambassadors

WORLD OF DISCOVERIES is honored to be able to count on its BOARD OF AMBASSADORS, a group of individuals and institutions that it regularly consults, listens to and involves in its plan of activities, in order to create a valid project

Ambassadors: Individuals

Prof. Doutor Luís Adão da Fonseca

Prof. Doutor Fernando de Sousa

Prof. Doutor António Ponte

Prof. Doutor José Augusto de Sottomayor-Pizarro

Prof. Doutor Joaquim Azevedo

Prof.a Doutora Alexandra Gonçalves

Dra. Suzana Menezes

Dr. Lino Ferreira

Dr. Hélder Costa

Dra. Susana Ribeiro

Dr. Alexandre Monteiro

Prof.a Doutora Dália Dias

Ambassadors: Institutions

CEPESE – Centro de Estudos da População, Economia e Sociedade

Câmara Municipal do Porto

Delegação Regional de Educação do Norte

CNIS – Confederação Nacional das Instituições de Solidariedade

Entidade Regional de Turismo do Porto e Norte

Área Metropolitana do Porto

Associação de Professores de História

Waterlily – Turismo Especializado

Associação de Professores de Português

CONFAP – Confederação Nacional das Associações de Pais

ANDAEP – Associação Nacional de Diretores de Agrupamentos e Escolas Públicas

Quadrante – Rotas do Património

RUTIS – Associação Rede de Universidades de Terceira Idade

APEFA – Associação Portuguesa de Educação e Formação de Adultos

APFN – Associação Portuguesa de Famílias Numerosas

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